hey guess what... i got a blog! i have thought about getting one for quite a while but could never think of something interesting enough to write about. i guess everyone thinks their life isn't very interesting, and i am no different. so the easiest thing was to write about something i enjoy. you can always tell when someone is talking about something they are passionate about and when are pulling their hair out of the head with a smile on their face. no hair pulling for this gal.
since my boyfriend and i moved in together i have really finally been able to do all the cooking i've wanted to do. my mother is an excellent cook but (and as it turns out i feel the same way) she HATES people in 'her' kitchen when she is preparing food. so now i have my own kitchen and my boyfriend has taken my place in being the one getting yelled at for being in the way. i know i should feel bad, especially since i know how it feels, but he just always happens to be standing exactly in front of whatever it is that i need. but i love him.
so i've created this blog to share my joy of cooking with anyone who will take the time to care. i often sit at work (as i'm doing right now) and google new recipes to try; so that is what i will share with you. of course i have my favourite chefs that i try to mimic (michael smith, michael smith and michael smith) so i will always throw a lot of their recipes in here.
i work silly hours (3-9 and so does the boyfriend) so dinner is always an issue and we usually end up doing the naughty deed of eating dinner at about 10pm. tonight on the menu. quesadillas. they are my go-to snappy meal. pretty delicious if i do say so myself!
well there is my little intro. hopefully somebody is listening! (and if you are, i just told a senior citizen about this blog and he decided to share a recipe with me: take 4-5 tomatoes and put them in hot water to peel the skin off. dice them and add garlic, salt and olive oil. cook pasta and toss together. he is adorable. and clearly italian. not that there is anything wrong with that.)
happy eating!